Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Smartphone Apps that I love

Hello ladies and gantelmen, today, I’m bacl in my blog. In this occasion,I would like to tell you abaot smartphone Apps that I like. The smartphone apps that I like is the “LINE”.
LINE is a free application that allows us to send text massages, voicemail, voice call, send pictures, and videos, and others if we connect on the internet. Line can operate on various platforms such as tablet, smartphone or notebook or computer. I think the line is a very nice messenger application and its development is also very fast, lots of features that do not exist in other similar applications but there is to it. Line itself was developed by NAVER is the origin of Japanese developers, namely application messenger like BBM, whatsapp, and others. For now the new LINE can be run OS IOS and android os, hopefully ahead ya can run on another OS like whatsapp.
Excess LINE in my opinion
1. TheLINE provides free services can call for free between fellow user
 Talking over the phone LINE in cutting costs without a pulse, only use the Internet data.
2. Groups can Messenger to 100 members
3. LINE has telphone number as the account ID as whatsapp, but also can have a user ID to allow people to invite us and hide ID no telphone we if privacy.
4. In addition, the LINE also provides Add friend through qr code can be set free through the line, something that is rare in similar applications.
5. In LINE besides provide emoticons and AutoText also adds new enhancements that sticker, similar to emoticons but with more expression and big, and too light.
6. Line provides a feature blocks / black list or no hp ID that is not us remind, and also provides security features password to avoid other people open and view the contents of our conversation.
7. Line may be used in OS Windows / MacOS, so that has not possessed smartphone OS iOS (iPhone) or Android can try via PC.

 Well maybe just applications LINE that often I use, thank yuo for you attention, see you again on other occasion.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Verb and syinonim

Grammar: Syinonom of verb and adverb for Academik English
Excercise 1. Verbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.        (B ) Obliteral : Melenyapkan
2.       (C ) Severed : Terputus
3.       (M )Conceive : Memahami, menciptakan
4.       (E ) Tolerate : Mentolerir
5.       (K) Ingrest : Mencernakan
6.       (D ) Pacify : Menenangkan
7.       (A ) Calibrate : Menyesuaikan
8.       (F ) Magnify : Memperbesar
9.       (G ) Incentivize : Mendorongkan
10.   (N ) Speculate : Berspekulasi
11.   (H ) Levitate : Naik
12.   (O ) Illustrate : Menjelaskan
13.   (J) Elucidate : Menjelaskan
14.   (L ) Impade : Menghalangi
15.   (I ) Advocate : Menganjurkan
16.   SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
A.      Adjust : Menyesuaikan
B.      Destroyed : Musnah
C.      Cat : Memotong
D.      Calm (down) : Tenang
E.       Allow : Mengizinkan
F.       Enlarge : Memperbesar
G.     Support : Mendukung
H.      Float : Mengapung
I.        Motivate : Motivasi
J.        Clarify : Menjelaskan
K.      Consume : Menggunakan
L.       Interfare : Mengganggu, mencampuri
M.    Create : Membuat, Menciptakan
N.     Theorize : Berteori
O.     Exemplifly : Memberikan contoh

Excercise 2. Adverbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.       (A ) Methodikally : Metode
2.       (N ) Begrudgingly : Menyesalkan
3.       (D ) Amicably : Secara damai
4.       (C ) Fiercely : Dengan ganas
5.       (K ) unintelligibly : Tidak dapat dimengerti
6.       (I ) Sporadically : Secara sporadis, sekali-kali
7.        ( L) Unequivocally : Dengan tegas
8.       (G ) Zealously : Dengan teku, dengan rajin
9.       (H ) Laboriously : Dengan susah payah
10.   (M ) Ernestly : Dengan sungguh- sungguh, Dengan jelas
11.   (L ) Indisputably : Tidak bisa dibantah
12.   (J )  Devinitively : Dengan pastinya
13.   (B) Faintly : Dengan lemah
14.   (E ) Discreetly : Dengan hati-hati
SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A.      Syetematically : secara sistematis
B.      Weakly : Sakitan
C.      Severely : Parah
D.      Quietly : Diam-diam
E.       Privately : Empat mata
F.       Intently : Seksama
G.     Eagerly : Dengan tidak sabar
H.      Painfully : Menyakitkan
I.        Occasionally : Kadang
J.        Absolutely : Benar
K.      Unclearly :Tidak jelas
L.       Indisputably : Di sangkal
M.    Decisively : Secara meyakinkan
N.     Resentfilly : Kesal

Excercise : subject and Verb Agreement  Excercise
Choose the correct from of the verb thet agrees with the subject.
1.       Anni and her brothers (are ) at school.
2.       Ether my mother or my father  (is ) coming to the meeting.
3.       The dog or  the cats ( is ) outside.
4.       Ether my shore or your coat (is) always on the floor.
5.       George and tamara (don’t)want to see thet movie.
6.       Benito (doesn’t) know the answere .
7.       One of my sister (is) going on a trip to prance .
8.       The man with all the birds (lives) on my street .
9.       The movie, inculding,all the priviews, (takes )  about two hours to wathch.
10.   The players, as well as the captain (want) to win .
11.   Ether answere (is) acceptabel.
12.   Every one of those  books (is) fiction.
13.   Mobody (knows) the trouble I’ve seen .
14.   (is) the news on et five or six.
15.   Methematics (is) johan’s Favorite suject, while civices (is) Andrea’s favorite sunject.
16.   Eght dollars (is) the price of a movi these days.
17.   (Are)  the tweezers in this drawer.
18.   Your pants (are) at the clener’s .
19.   There (were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is) only one left.
20.   The committee (debates), these questions carefully.
21.   The committee (leads) very different lives in private .
22.   The prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets)  the press codially.
23.   All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (are) in this case.