Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Verb and syinonim

Grammar: Syinonom of verb and adverb for Academik English
Excercise 1. Verbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.        (B ) Obliteral : Melenyapkan
2.       (C ) Severed : Terputus
3.       (M )Conceive : Memahami, menciptakan
4.       (E ) Tolerate : Mentolerir
5.       (K) Ingrest : Mencernakan
6.       (D ) Pacify : Menenangkan
7.       (A ) Calibrate : Menyesuaikan
8.       (F ) Magnify : Memperbesar
9.       (G ) Incentivize : Mendorongkan
10.   (N ) Speculate : Berspekulasi
11.   (H ) Levitate : Naik
12.   (O ) Illustrate : Menjelaskan
13.   (J) Elucidate : Menjelaskan
14.   (L ) Impade : Menghalangi
15.   (I ) Advocate : Menganjurkan
16.   SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
A.      Adjust : Menyesuaikan
B.      Destroyed : Musnah
C.      Cat : Memotong
D.      Calm (down) : Tenang
E.       Allow : Mengizinkan
F.       Enlarge : Memperbesar
G.     Support : Mendukung
H.      Float : Mengapung
I.        Motivate : Motivasi
J.        Clarify : Menjelaskan
K.      Consume : Menggunakan
L.       Interfare : Mengganggu, mencampuri
M.    Create : Membuat, Menciptakan
N.     Theorize : Berteori
O.     Exemplifly : Memberikan contoh

Excercise 2. Adverbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.       (A ) Methodikally : Metode
2.       (N ) Begrudgingly : Menyesalkan
3.       (D ) Amicably : Secara damai
4.       (C ) Fiercely : Dengan ganas
5.       (K ) unintelligibly : Tidak dapat dimengerti
6.       (I ) Sporadically : Secara sporadis, sekali-kali
7.        ( L) Unequivocally : Dengan tegas
8.       (G ) Zealously : Dengan teku, dengan rajin
9.       (H ) Laboriously : Dengan susah payah
10.   (M ) Ernestly : Dengan sungguh- sungguh, Dengan jelas
11.   (L ) Indisputably : Tidak bisa dibantah
12.   (J )  Devinitively : Dengan pastinya
13.   (B) Faintly : Dengan lemah
14.   (E ) Discreetly : Dengan hati-hati
SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A.      Syetematically : secara sistematis
B.      Weakly : Sakitan
C.      Severely : Parah
D.      Quietly : Diam-diam
E.       Privately : Empat mata
F.       Intently : Seksama
G.     Eagerly : Dengan tidak sabar
H.      Painfully : Menyakitkan
I.        Occasionally : Kadang
J.        Absolutely : Benar
K.      Unclearly :Tidak jelas
L.       Indisputably : Di sangkal
M.    Decisively : Secara meyakinkan
N.     Resentfilly : Kesal

Excercise : subject and Verb Agreement  Excercise
Choose the correct from of the verb thet agrees with the subject.
1.       Anni and her brothers (are ) at school.
2.       Ether my mother or my father  (is ) coming to the meeting.
3.       The dog or  the cats ( is ) outside.
4.       Ether my shore or your coat (is) always on the floor.
5.       George and tamara (don’t)want to see thet movie.
6.       Benito (doesn’t) know the answere .
7.       One of my sister (is) going on a trip to prance .
8.       The man with all the birds (lives) on my street .
9.       The movie, inculding,all the priviews, (takes )  about two hours to wathch.
10.   The players, as well as the captain (want) to win .
11.   Ether answere (is) acceptabel.
12.   Every one of those  books (is) fiction.
13.   Mobody (knows) the trouble I’ve seen .
14.   (is) the news on et five or six.
15.   Methematics (is) johan’s Favorite suject, while civices (is) Andrea’s favorite sunject.
16.   Eght dollars (is) the price of a movi these days.
17.   (Are)  the tweezers in this drawer.
18.   Your pants (are) at the clener’s .
19.   There (were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is) only one left.
20.   The committee (debates), these questions carefully.
21.   The committee (leads) very different lives in private .
22.   The prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets)  the press codially.
23.   All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (are) in this case.

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