Senin, 28 November 2016

your top recommendations for thing to do in your town

Good morning ladies and gantlman, in this article I will tell you about recommendation things to do in my city.

The first problem
As we know, there are still many trash that we can see on the roadside. It happens because lack of concern about trash even though it was the one that cause flood. Flood happens because the canal is full of trash. Therefore we should be aware and keep the city clean, don’t littering, and always remind others about cleanliness.

The second problem
As the time goes, especially Pontianak vehicle has grown rapidly. The side effect of this is traffic jam. Traffic jam usually happens at rush hour at 6.30-8.00 WIB. Many vehicle crossing the river through the bridge and make traffic jam. The one that trigger traffic jam is there are so many vehicle that wants to cross. In Pontianak the main bridge is Kapuas 1 Bridge. To solve this situation the government must be concern about this. So they will make some rules to decrease traffic jam such as cars are forbidden to cross at certain time and make new bridge for motorcycle.
Thank you.........

Thank you for your attention, apologize if wrong in writing
see you next time :) 

Kamis, 24 November 2016

My last meal on earth

Hello ladies and gentlemen
I will tell you about the reason why a the last meal I choose my last meal or sukia ie meatballs. If I have to eat instant noodle, then I would be more concerned with choosing to eat meatballs, rather than instant. Meatballs most delicious food I’ve ever met, meatballs are my favorite food, from my childhood to me now, and if I walk with family and eat together, the food most of my first message is meatballs. In addition to good taste, meatballs can also relieve stress, and when I have a problem or are under severe stress, sukia my encouragement hot meathballs mixed with spicy sauce, then the stress and burden of my thoughts get lost all. The food I’ve ever met and the food will I eat when I’m hungry, and I’m even willing to owe for a bowl of meatballs. And even willing to set aside money for meathballs, always hope there are friends who treat me. Okay bye-bye next time agaian see you. Could only eat meatballs themselves are usually a cauple others, passion for eating, and hopefully in the future could become food meatball excel in indonesia’s. See you agaian .

Thank you…….

A letter to you younger self and you 10-years-late self

Letter to Myself 10 Years Ago.
Hello willy kristianto, has long not been see you. 10 years has passed away , that time i was 8 years , right when i was in grade 2 primary school. I absolutely still plain . Every monday till friday i never came late to school . A lot of experience exciting that happen to me. Interesting facts that i had when grade 2 primary school when of being able to play with the guys . Gone days without playing . In addition, formerly i too am students who example. My school closer to a river, so that when water and pairs of the field that is at my school submerged with water. That is when i took the opportunity to play again with friends. That is my experience in the past which i never forget. Ismail , you have an amazing experience
Letter to Myself 10 The Coming Year
For 10 the coming year , i am sure you will be the successful person . You have become a of economists who reliable , your policy made it would affect large for others. Stay discipline , take care of health , for both parents happy. Another thing i wanna gave , make your wife happy, And be family heads responsible. I am sure you can do it ! spirit !

 thank you........

The Online Information Debate

Nama Kelompok

Marsudi Juare

Muhammad Dicky

Reza Muharram

Wella Aksari

Willy Kristianto

Reza: Hi guys. Sorry, I am late.

Wella: Where have you been?

Reza: My grandother was hospitalized.

Willy: How can you come here?

Reza: I through the New Town.

Dicky:We are sorry to hear your grandmother .

Reza: Thank's guys.

Jura: Grandmother hopefully a speedy recovery

Wella:So be it friends it is time to discuss our problems alone task group

Reza: Hmm ... said wella really better we do the work of our group in advance

Wella: Jura, Dicky, Willy ,: Oooo ...

Jura: By the way, what sites you use to find information? The best? And why?

Willy: I normally use Wikipedia, for complete information.

Wella: Yes. I agree, in addition to the full, we can also find some information such as history. And I think, sites to find the best information is Wikipedia.

Dicky: If I, usually using Academia edu. Therefore webstites very simple to find some of the material and information. This is why I chose Academia raeason Edu be the best site.

Reza: Is the collage has rules about using the site?

Jura: Maybe Yes, basically we do not open a site related to the negative.

Wella: There are certain subjects that do not allow us to search for information on the same site.

Dicky: By the way, what is the differents between online information and information from the library or an encyclopedia?

Willy: Differences between online information and information from the library or encyclopedia is an online information can be found in various online sites and more practical information easily and quickly. While information from the library or encyclopedia took a long time.

Reza: But we also have to be careful to look for information online. This could be the source of the source irresponsible.

Wella: Yes, I agree.

Dicky: Me too.

Willy: Hey hey back to your seat !! Professor is coming.

Reza: Professor Not this day does not come?

Jura: Are you sure that this day the professor did not come

Reza: Yes I'm sure as the class president earlier had told me

Jura: So willy view is?

Wella: He did not see anyone, he just wants to bully you hahaha ..

Jura: Really? Willy alert you yes

Willy: Sorry friends I'm just kidding

Rabu, 23 November 2016

My karaoke song for choice

Hello ladies and gentleman. I came back again to tell you about my karaoke songs and why I chose this song.  My karaoke song is begadang. The song is sung by Rhoma Irama. This song has a meaning to remind everyone not to stay up late. As a result of staying up is incredible. Sleep debt it sometimes can't be paid. If it is too often staying up late, could be directly perceived consequence, but it could be after a few years as a result of a newly perceived often stay up. The reason I chose this song because this song describe how I feel right now. I always stay up for the task. Many of the tasks that I worked on among others, the task of the lecturer, assemblage and reports. If I have the task of lecturers, sometimes I only slept about 4 hours. And every week I have a practice and are required to make a report. With all of the tasks that make me stay up and I am less able to share all of my time. I was confused when working on individual tasks, when the task group and when the task assemblage. With all of these tasks, I had to stay up so that all tasks completed my task.
Thank you for your attention, see you again on other occasion...

Kamis, 17 November 2016


Inside the ultimate drugmobile

Clive thompeson
Leave the driving to US

 Machines can make decisions. That doesn’t mean they’re right
So you can’t wait for a self-driving car to take away the drudgery of driving ? me neither! But consider this scenario, recently posed by neuroscientist inte your lane. Shoul your self driving car plunge off the brigade sacrificing your live to save those of the cildren ? obviously, you wna’t make the call. You’ve ceded that decision to the car’s algorithms. You batter hope that you agree with its choic. This is s dramatic dilemma, to be sure. But it’s not a completly unusual one. The thuth is, our tools.
Increasingly guid and shape our ehavior or even make decisions on our behalf. A samal but growing chorus of wriers and scholars think we’re going too far. By taking human decisionmaking out of the equation, we’re slowly stripping away deliberation-moments where we reflect on the morality of our actions.
Not all of these situations are so life-and-death. Some are quite prosaic, like the walter of new gadgets that thy tod “nudge” us into batter behavior. In this new book to save everiting, click hare, evgeny morozov casts a skeptical eye on this stuff. He tells me abaut a recent example he’s seen:A “smart fork” that monitors hou much you’re eating and warns you if you’re ovardoing it.
Fun and useful, you migh argue. But for morozov,tolls like the fork reduce your incetive to think about how you’re eting and the deeper political questions of why today’s food ecosystemis so enfattening. “instead of regulating the food industry to make food healthier,” morozov say, “we’re giving people smart forks.”
 Or as evan seliger, a philosopher at rochester  institute of tachnology,puts it, tools taht make hard things easy can make us less likely to tolerate thing that are hard. Outssourcing our self-control to “digital willpower” has consequences: use siri constanly to get instant information and you can erode your ability to by patient in the face of incomplate answers, a crucial civic virtue.
Things get even dicier when society  at large outesoursces its bigeste moral decision to tochnology. For exmple, some police departments have begun using predpol, a system that mines crime data to predict future criminal activity, guiding police to areas they might otherwise overloke. It apppears to work, cutting some crimes by up to 27 percent. It lets charonically underfunded deparemens do more with less.
But as morozov points out, the algorithms could wind up ampolifying flaws in existing law enforfcement. For example, sexual violence  is historiclly underreported, so it can’t ass easly be predicted. Remove the deliberation of what police focus an and you can wind up deforming policing. And doing “more with less,” while a worthy short-term goal, lets politicans dodge the political impact of their budgetary choices,
 And this, really, is the core of the question here: efficiency isn’t always a good thing. Tech lets us do things more easily. But this can mean doing them less reflectively too.
We’re not going to throw aut all tecnology, not should we. Efficiency isn’t always bad. Bud morozov suggests that sometimes tolls should do the oposite-they should introduce friction. For example, new parking maters reset when you drive away, so another drive can’t draft off of any remaining time. The city makes more money, obviously, but that design also compels you behavior. What if a “smart” meter instead offeredy you a choice:  gift remaining time to the next driver or to the city ? this would foreground the tiny moral trade-offs of daily life-city  versus citizen.
 Or consider the caterpillar, a prototype power strip created by german designers that detects when a plugged in device is in standby mode. Insted of tourning off the device a tradisional eff/ cienci move the caterpilar leaves in on, but start writing, the point is to draw your atention to you power usage, to porce you to turn it off yourslf and mediate on why you’re  using si much.

 These are kinds of crazy, of course. They’re not tols that solve problams. They’re tolls to make you think abaut problame-which is preciseselly the point. 

Quite        : agak
Behavior   :tingkah laku
Stripping   : pengupasan
Incentive   : insentif
Compels    : memeksa
Reamining : sisa
Anciente    : kuno
Angle        : kemarahan
Announce  : mengumumkan
Alongside  : di samping
Already     : suah
Alsle          : lorong
Ahead        : di depan
Aid            : membantu
Advanced  : maju
Drudgery   : pekerjaan yang membosankan
Accurately : akurat
Achieve     : mencapai

Accident    : kecelakaan

Jumat, 11 November 2016

Favorite place I've traveled

Hello, ladies and gantleman. In this occasion, I would like to tell you abaut favorite place I’ve traveled.
The place I visit often is the pool haha. Maybe this seems strange yes friends, not as another friend, another friend might be his favorite place may parks, waterfalls and others. Honestly I'm from a small likes to swim, because I used little in silence in the village so every day I swim in the river without boundary haha, and time smp until sma I've lived in the city market Ngabang of course there is no river, so I switched on swimming pool haha. Of at least one week I went to the pool.
 Just info for you friends, to swim that many of his benefit lo, such as
1. Reduce the risk of arthritis
Arthritis is a painful inflammation of the joints resulting pasa joint stiffness. Swimming is a sport that is most recommended for reducing the risk of arthritis. This is because swimming is a sport that mengerakan semaua part of the body but not too put stress and strain on the joints.
2. Can have a long life
If you want to have a lifespan panjan, then rutinlah swim, according to a study done by the university of south carolina, ornag who regularly swam every day has a tendency healthier and a lower mortality rate of 50% in comparison people do not swim.
3. Fitness heart
Exercise pool also serves to train the strength of the heart, swimming to help the circulation of the heart when pumping blood and send it to all parts of the body. a penelitain proved that people who regularly exercise pool for 12 mingu have an increase in the amount of blood pumped by 18%.
4. Assist and strengthen muscles
Benefit pool next to the body is to strengthen the triceps muscles.
5. Trains balance and flexibility
By means of your train flexibility swim leg and arm muscles. Benefit balance is also obtained from the results of the exercise routine. People have had to swim routine will definitely have a better balance in comparison with those who do not swim.
6. Maintain weight
The swimming is not only fun, but also powerful enough to maintain ideal weight. Imagine simply to swim for an hour you can burn 100-200 calories.
7. Relaxation
Calmness of the water is pretty good for mental health especially when you begin to move your body to release muscle tension or joints, the body will feel more fit and healthy back.
8. Reduce the risk of asthma
Benefit swimming latter is to reduce the risk of asthma, it is in because the pool very assist in breathing exercise so that the lungs become healthier and more regular breathing exercise.

Well very much at all the friends benefit swim, so if friends are interested in to swim, I hope hell yeah haha.
Thank you.....

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2016

Smartphone Apps that I love

Hello ladies and gantelmen, today, I’m bacl in my blog. In this occasion,I would like to tell you abaot smartphone Apps that I like. The smartphone apps that I like is the “LINE”.
LINE is a free application that allows us to send text massages, voicemail, voice call, send pictures, and videos, and others if we connect on the internet. Line can operate on various platforms such as tablet, smartphone or notebook or computer. I think the line is a very nice messenger application and its development is also very fast, lots of features that do not exist in other similar applications but there is to it. Line itself was developed by NAVER is the origin of Japanese developers, namely application messenger like BBM, whatsapp, and others. For now the new LINE can be run OS IOS and android os, hopefully ahead ya can run on another OS like whatsapp.
Excess LINE in my opinion
1. TheLINE provides free services can call for free between fellow user
 Talking over the phone LINE in cutting costs without a pulse, only use the Internet data.
2. Groups can Messenger to 100 members
3. LINE has telphone number as the account ID as whatsapp, but also can have a user ID to allow people to invite us and hide ID no telphone we if privacy.
4. In addition, the LINE also provides Add friend through qr code can be set free through the line, something that is rare in similar applications.
5. In LINE besides provide emoticons and AutoText also adds new enhancements that sticker, similar to emoticons but with more expression and big, and too light.
6. Line provides a feature blocks / black list or no hp ID that is not us remind, and also provides security features password to avoid other people open and view the contents of our conversation.
7. Line may be used in OS Windows / MacOS, so that has not possessed smartphone OS iOS (iPhone) or Android can try via PC.

 Well maybe just applications LINE that often I use, thank yuo for you attention, see you again on other occasion.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Verb and syinonim

Grammar: Syinonom of verb and adverb for Academik English
Excercise 1. Verbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.        (B ) Obliteral : Melenyapkan
2.       (C ) Severed : Terputus
3.       (M )Conceive : Memahami, menciptakan
4.       (E ) Tolerate : Mentolerir
5.       (K) Ingrest : Mencernakan
6.       (D ) Pacify : Menenangkan
7.       (A ) Calibrate : Menyesuaikan
8.       (F ) Magnify : Memperbesar
9.       (G ) Incentivize : Mendorongkan
10.   (N ) Speculate : Berspekulasi
11.   (H ) Levitate : Naik
12.   (O ) Illustrate : Menjelaskan
13.   (J) Elucidate : Menjelaskan
14.   (L ) Impade : Menghalangi
15.   (I ) Advocate : Menganjurkan
16.   SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
SYNONYMS (Exercise 1. Verbs)
A.      Adjust : Menyesuaikan
B.      Destroyed : Musnah
C.      Cat : Memotong
D.      Calm (down) : Tenang
E.       Allow : Mengizinkan
F.       Enlarge : Memperbesar
G.     Support : Mendukung
H.      Float : Mengapung
I.        Motivate : Motivasi
J.        Clarify : Menjelaskan
K.      Consume : Menggunakan
L.       Interfare : Mengganggu, mencampuri
M.    Create : Membuat, Menciptakan
N.     Theorize : Berteori
O.     Exemplifly : Memberikan contoh

Excercise 2. Adverbs
Instruction: Write the letter associated with the corresponding synonym next to each word
1.       (A ) Methodikally : Metode
2.       (N ) Begrudgingly : Menyesalkan
3.       (D ) Amicably : Secara damai
4.       (C ) Fiercely : Dengan ganas
5.       (K ) unintelligibly : Tidak dapat dimengerti
6.       (I ) Sporadically : Secara sporadis, sekali-kali
7.        ( L) Unequivocally : Dengan tegas
8.       (G ) Zealously : Dengan teku, dengan rajin
9.       (H ) Laboriously : Dengan susah payah
10.   (M ) Ernestly : Dengan sungguh- sungguh, Dengan jelas
11.   (L ) Indisputably : Tidak bisa dibantah
12.   (J )  Devinitively : Dengan pastinya
13.   (B) Faintly : Dengan lemah
14.   (E ) Discreetly : Dengan hati-hati
SYNONYMS (Exercise 2. Adverbs)
A.      Syetematically : secara sistematis
B.      Weakly : Sakitan
C.      Severely : Parah
D.      Quietly : Diam-diam
E.       Privately : Empat mata
F.       Intently : Seksama
G.     Eagerly : Dengan tidak sabar
H.      Painfully : Menyakitkan
I.        Occasionally : Kadang
J.        Absolutely : Benar
K.      Unclearly :Tidak jelas
L.       Indisputably : Di sangkal
M.    Decisively : Secara meyakinkan
N.     Resentfilly : Kesal

Excercise : subject and Verb Agreement  Excercise
Choose the correct from of the verb thet agrees with the subject.
1.       Anni and her brothers (are ) at school.
2.       Ether my mother or my father  (is ) coming to the meeting.
3.       The dog or  the cats ( is ) outside.
4.       Ether my shore or your coat (is) always on the floor.
5.       George and tamara (don’t)want to see thet movie.
6.       Benito (doesn’t) know the answere .
7.       One of my sister (is) going on a trip to prance .
8.       The man with all the birds (lives) on my street .
9.       The movie, inculding,all the priviews, (takes )  about two hours to wathch.
10.   The players, as well as the captain (want) to win .
11.   Ether answere (is) acceptabel.
12.   Every one of those  books (is) fiction.
13.   Mobody (knows) the trouble I’ve seen .
14.   (is) the news on et five or six.
15.   Methematics (is) johan’s Favorite suject, while civices (is) Andrea’s favorite sunject.
16.   Eght dollars (is) the price of a movi these days.
17.   (Are)  the tweezers in this drawer.
18.   Your pants (are) at the clener’s .
19.   There (were) fifteen candies in that bag. Now there (is) only one left.
20.   The committee (debates), these questions carefully.
21.   The committee (leads) very different lives in private .
22.   The prime Minister, together with his wife, (greets)  the press codially.
23.   All of the CDs, even the scratched one, (are) in this case.